NE Bemidji, MN

Yearly Weather Summary

19/09/24 03:14:00

Calendar Year
High Temperature
Low Temperature
89.6°F at 13/07/24 15:44:00
-21.0°F at 20/01/24 06:56:16
High Heat Index 99.3°F at 25/08/24 16:35:00
Low Wind Chill -39.6°F at 14/01/24 05:30:48
High Humidity
Low Humidity
100% 01/01/24 00:00:01
17% 11/05/24 14:41:17
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
78.3°F 28/07/24 20:11:20
-24.2°F 20/01/24 06:52:00
High Barometer
Low Barometer
30.543 inHg at 20/01/24 02:34:39
29.190 inHg at 08/02/24 14:48:04
Rain Total 15.90 in
High Rain Rate 405.24 in/hr at 14/01/24 05:43:36
High Wind Speed 30 mph from 349° at 17/02/24 12:36:00
Average Wind 1 mph
RMS Wind 2 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0 mph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
100.0°F at 17/05/24 05:47:34
60.4°F at 17/01/24 13:16:00


Rain Year (1-Jan start)
Rain Year Total 15.90 in
High Rain Rate 405.24 in/hr at 14/01/24 05:43:36

Yearly Statistics and Plots

temperatures heatchill outside humidity Daily highs and lows for the year rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector